Dec 21

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CHE's BUSRP Partner Releases Factsheet for Communities Affected by PFAS Contamination

CHE photoBy CHE

BUSRPLogoIn November, Boston University Superfund Research Program (BUSRP) produced a factsheet on polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) for residents of communities who are concerned about PFAS-contaminated water. Created in collaboration with Toxics Action Center, a Community Engagement Core partner, the factsheet is designed to answer questions about PFAS exposure, regulations and advisories, health effects and steps that residents can take to test the water supply and respond to contamination. Learn more about this work by listening to our CHE-BU SRP Partnership call 12/20/16 CHE-BUSRP Partnership call: Out of the frying pan, into the drinking water: Health hazards and community responses to water contaminated with PFCs. Listen to the MP3 today!

Tags: PFCsCommunity Impactwater quality